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Common inverter errors and detailed instructions on how to fix them

During the process of using the inverter, it is inevitable to encounter technical problems and errors. These errors can greatly affect the system's performance, even interrupting the production process. Understanding the causes and how to fix these errors is very important to ensure stable and sustainable operation of electrical equipment in the automation system.
This article will give you an overview of common inverter errors, thereby providing detailed instructions so you can fix them yourself effectively. From basic errors such as power loss, overheating, to more complex errors such as sensor errors or control errors, we will delve into each specific cause and propose appropriate solutions.

I. Common inverter errors and how to fix them

1. Error when connecting peripheral device

Connecting peripheral devices is an important part of setting up and operating automation systems. However, this process does not always go smoothly. Errors that arise when connecting peripheral devices can cause many problems, from interrupting system operations to serious damage to devices. Here are some things to note when connecting peripheral devices:

    1.1. Wrong voltage connection

Wrong voltage connection error of the inverter often occurs when the power supply voltage to the inverter does not match its rated voltage. This can lead to serious problems for both the drive and the controlled equipment. Here are the specific problems and how to fix them:
- Problem: A supply voltage higher than the inverter's rated voltage can damage internal electronic components, causing overheating and fire.
- Solution: Check the supply voltage again and make sure it is within the inverter's allowable limits. Use protective devices such as voltage stabilizers or voltage regulators if necessary.
- Problem: A supply voltage lower than the rated voltage may cause the inverter to not operate properly, causing startup errors or unstable operation.
- Solution: Make sure the power source is of sufficient capacity and stable. Check electrical connectors and wires to ensure there is no voltage loss due to poor contact.
Phase Imbalance
- Problem: Voltage out of phase or out of phase can cause vibration, noise and reduce the performance of the control motor.
- Fix: Use a phase tester to ensure all phases are connected correctly and balanced.
Misconnecting DC and AC voltages (AC vs DC)
- Problem: Supplying DC voltage into an inverter designed for AC voltage or vice versa can cause serious damage.
- Solution: Always check the required inverter voltage type (AC or DC) before connecting. Use the correct voltage source according to the manufacturer's instructions.

    1.2. Error of not checking the insulation for the motor

Failure to check the motor insulation before connecting to the inverter can lead to many serious problems, including damage to the inverter, motor, and even electrical safety risks. Here are the specific problems and how to fix them:
Decreased engine performance
- Description: Poor insulation can reduce motor performance, leading to more power consumption and reduced work efficiency.
- Consequences: Increased operating and maintenance costs, reduced engine life.
Damaged inverter
- Description: Low insulation resistance can cause leakage current, affecting the operation of the inverter and causing errors or damage.
- Consequences: High repair costs and unwanted downtime.
Check insulation before connecting
- Method: Use an insulation measuring device (megohmmeter) to check the insulation resistance of the motor. Make sure the insulation resistance value is within safe limits (usually above 1 MΩ).
- Implementation: Measure between the motor windings and the ground case and between the windings together.
Use protective equipment
- Method: Use protective devices such as electric leakage protection devices, insulation protection relays to monitor and protect the system.
- Implementation: Install and periodically check protective devices, ensuring they function properly.
Conclusion: Checking the motor insulation is an important step to ensure safety and system performance. Investing in insulation inspection and maintenance not only helps avoid unwanted problems but also extends the life of equipment, reduces repair costs and increases operational efficiency.

    1.3. Overheating error

Engine overheating error is one of the common and serious problems that can cause engine damage, reducing system life and performance. Below are the main causes, consequences and ways to fix engine overheating errors:
Poor ventilation
- Cause: The cooling system or ventilation fan is blocked or not working effectively.
- Fix: Check and clean the ventilation fans, making sure there are no obstacles blocking the airflow.
- Cause: The engine operates beyond its rated capacity for a long time.
- Solution: Make sure the engine operates within the rated power limit. Use overload protection devices such as thermal relays to protect the motor.
Voltage is unstable
- Cause: The voltage supplied to the motor is too high or too low, or there is a phase imbalance.
- Solution: Check and ensure the supply voltage is within the allowable limit. Use voltage stabilizers or voltage regulating devices if necessary.
Lack of lubrication
- Cause: Lack of grease or poor quality grease leads to high friction and heat generation.
- Solution: Check and add lubricating grease periodically, use high quality grease and grease suitable for engine type.
Coil is damaged
- Cause: The coils inside the motor are short-circuited or the insulation is damaged.
- Fix: Check the insulation resistance of the coil, repair or replace the damaged coil.
- Reduced motor life: High temperatures damage internal parts such as coils, bearings, and insulation components.
- Risk of fire and explosion: Overheating can lead to fire and explosion if not controlled promptly.
- Reduced operating efficiency: The engine operates inefficiently, consumes more energy and can cause sudden stops.
How to fix
Install and maintain cooling systems
- Implementation: Ensure fans and cooling components operate effectively, and perform regular maintenance.
Use overload protection devices:
- Implementation: Install thermal relay or other overload protection devices to automatically turn off the motor when overloaded.
Periodic inspection and maintenance
- Implementation: Plan to periodically check voltage, lubricating oil, and engine parts. Repair or replace damaged parts promptly.
Improve working environment
- Implementation: Make sure the environment around the engine is cool, clean and free of dust.
Use the engine with the correct capacity
- Implementation: Make sure the motor is selected with the correct capacity for the specific application, avoiding overload operation.
Managing and maintaining the motor effectively is the way to go: Plan regular maintenance and inspection, replace or repair insulation components when necessary.

2. Errors are displayed on the screen

Display errors on the screen are one of the common problems that users of electronic devices and automation systems often encounter. These errors are not only annoying but can also seriously affect work efficiency and production processes. Displaying incorrect information, a noisy screen, or not displaying anything at all are common manifestations of these errors. To help users quickly identify and fix effectively, monitor the following information:

    2.1. Error 01 Overcurrent acceleration

- Engine parameters are incorrect
- Grid voltage is too low
- Inverter capacity is too small
- Acceleration time is too short
How to fix:
- Extend acceleration time (F0-18)


Acceleration Time 1

- Self-adjust engine parameters
+ Check the grid input power source
+ Choose an inverter with larger capacity

    2.2. Error 02 deceleration overcurrent

- Deceleration time is too short
- Engine parameters are incorrect
- Grid voltage is too low
- Inverter capacity is too small
- Large load moment of inertia
How to fix:
- Extend deceleration time


Deceleration Time 1

- Add an external brake
- Choose an inverter with a larger capacity

    2.3. Error 11 motor overload

- Engine protection parameters are set inappropriately, F8-00, F8-01
- The load is too large or the engine stalls
- The inverter has a small capacity
How to fix:
- Adjust F8-01 accordingly


Motor 1

0: Disabled

1: Enabled


Motor 1
Protection Gain

0.20 ~ 10.00
- Check the condition and reduce the load on the engine
- Check the voltage drop of the power source

    2.4. Error 13 input phase lost

- Input source is unstable
- Abnormal circuit board
How to fix:
- Check the input power source then restart the system
- Call technician for support

    2.5. Error 14: phase loss, output voltage drop

- The wire from the inverter to the motor is not normal
- The inverter loses phase balance when the motor is running
- Abnormal circuit board
How to fix:
- Check the motor windings
- Call technician for support

    2.6. Error 15 overheat

- Ambient temperature is too high
- Damage to the radiator fan
- Damaged thermistor
How to fix:
- Reduce ambient temperature
- Clean the air duct
- Replace the radiator fan
- Replace the thermistor

    2.7. Error 24 motor short circuit to ground

- Cause: due to loss of coil insulation
- Solution: rewind the wire or replace the motor

II. Inverter error warning table and handling measures

III. Video instructions on how to fix common inverter errors

In case you want to learn, need technical advice and order an Inverter, please contact Amazen immediately via:

Hotline: 0934 399 068 - Sales: 0938 072 058

With a highly specialized technical support and sales consulting team, our company is confident that it will bring customers the best purchasing experience.
Amazen commits that all inverter products we currently offer are genuine, 100% brand new, quality guaranteed and complete with CO/CQ and VAT certification documents accompanied.