The contacts in an air circuit breaker ensure electrical connectivity between the components of the system. These contacts can withstand high currents and the effects of electrical arcs during circuit interruption.When the circuit breaker opens, it creates an arc. Arc splitters help extinguish the arc and minimize the associated hazards. These components play a crucial role in protecting other components from damage.Protective relays can help the circuit breaker detect faults such as overcurrent or short circuit, and automatically interrupt the power to prevent the fault from spreading. These accessories include overcurrent and undervoltage relays, as well as controllers to set the protection limits.Some accessories allow for monitoring parameters such as current, voltage, and frequency in the system, enabling operators to track the operating condition of the circuit breaker and the electrical system.These accessories include external enclosures and components to facilitate the installation of the circuit breaker into the electrical panel. They protect the circuit breaker from environmental factors such as dust, water, and impact.
The NXA16-ASUVT-AC220/230/240VTP(R) and its accessories are employed in large buildings, manufacturing plants, and areas demanding robust electrical circuit protection. These accessories play a vital role in safeguarding electrical equipment at power stations or power plants, contributing to the stability and safety of the power system. The circuit breaker and its accessories are utilized in electrical distribution systems to interrupt power in the event of faults, protecting downstream equipment from electrical incidents. In solar or wind power systems, NA1-1000 air circuit breaker accessories can help shield electrical circuits and equipment from electrical issues. The accessories facilitate monitoring and control of electrical circuits, safeguarding critical equipment in industrial facilities such as manufacturing plants, data centers, and areas requiring stable power supply.